Thursday, October 7, 2010


October 5, 2010 Tuesday

This morning we went to the care center, and Janet, the activity director had made a big copy of a crossword puzzle. We went down to one wing of the center and set up in their dining area. We put the puzzle on the wall and pretty soon the workers had rounded up 8 people to work with us on the puzzle. It turned out really well. One lady, Diana, who talked really slowly was able to answer the two clues that asked for French words. Another new one, Trixie is 80 and originally from England. She remembers the bombing of London during WW2. David, a former attorney, didn’t do anything when we started, but by the time we were done he was filling in the answers on his puzzle and giving answers about anything military. Bertha, a cute Aboriginal lady who sat by me, could neither read nor write, but she wanted me to fill in her puzzle for her. Janet told us that Bertha is a well known aboriginal painter. I’m going to “google” her on the internet and see if I can see some of the stuff she’s done. We had a good time there.
Tonight was Scripture Study. Only Raffy showed up. We read several chapters in the BoM. After Orson took him home, we watched a couple of chapters from the Preach My Gospel DVD. It makes you want to work smarter.


  1. What fun experiences and learning opportunities you are having. Thanks for your blog and keeping us informed. Eager for the next post.

  2. What an important place to go and take the Spirit with you. Thanks for your good works.
