Thursday, October 21, 2010


October 18, 2010 Monday

This morning we went to Jhun’s house to see if we could set up a time to teach his family. That man and his wife have really studied the Bible and have come up with so many truths that it’s exciting. He also indicated a white board in the living room with some drawings on it by which he’d explained to his kids that if you focus on God you will end up a good person, and if you focus on Satan you will end up a bad person. He’s doing Family Home Evening already! He’s a mechanic on one of the big pearl farms in the area. We took a copy of the Restoration DVD because it has Tagalog subtitles. He took it and got all excited because it has Cebuano subtitles, which is his 2nd language, not Tagalog as we had thought. Silly us—we thought all Filipinos spoke it. He said there are 700 different tribes and languages in the Philippines.
Then we went check on some houses where no one had been home previously. A young couple from England let us in. They have been here a few months and have just quit their jobs here to continue on around the world! Anyway, they let us give them a basic 1st lesson, but wouldn’t take the Book of Mormon to read and pray about. They were Sam and Fran and were just a neat couple of kids. He’d graduated in history and knew about Joseph Smith and the golden plates, but he had a hard time with “Jews in Central America” as he put it. Maybe we planted a seed for other missionaries to nourish later in their lives. I hope so!

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