Thursday, October 7, 2010


October 1, 2010 Friday

What a day. Actually it began last night when I picked up Carolyn and Jessi for YW. Jessi said it would be her last night because her dad said that the Mormons brainwash kids. Those are the exact words from an “anti” book on the shelf at the Broome library. So we talked to her about respecting her dad. We did show her the “Restoration” video and explain the origin of the Book of Mormon to her before we took her home. It was really hard to let her go. She is such a sharp girl. She asks better questions than the 3 who are members! We will keep praying that her dad’s heart will soften. We gave her 3 pamphlets to give to her dad to read so he’d have information from our side.
This morning we went back to see Chelsea. She greeted us at the door and told us that her mom didn’t want us visiting and teaching her. She didn’t really give a reason why, but since Chelsea lives with her folks, she has to do what she’s told. We encouraged her to keep reading the Book of Mormon and praying. We also told her she’d be welcome at church at any time.
Then we went to teach Jenna. And she wasn’t home. We tried calling her cell phone, but nobody answered. So, three strikes and we’re out, right? Wrong!
We went out to do some tracting. A Filipino guy invited Orson in so he came and got me. The guy’s name is Jhun (pronounced like the month). He has 3 young boys and his wife was at work. They alternate work schedules so they can take care of their kids. We started to explain a little bit, and he broke in and told us that they are Roman Catholic, but they don’t believe in it, but just try to be good people and help others. So Orson told him the Joseph Smith story. Jhun said, “I believe that’s true. Catholicism is dead. It’s no good.” He then went on to tell us about some dreams he’s had. He and his wife both have a lot of dreams—she more than he. In one, he was walking by a huge mountain. On the side of him away from the mountain was a big lake, but it was green like it was stagnant. In the middle of the lake he saw a book. The big fish in the lake were dead. He walked out to get the book which was partially submerged. When he picked it up, it was really two books. Then he looked up at the mountain and saw a huge quantity of water coming down from the top. The water was clear. It splashed into the lake, cleaning it of the stagnant water. He told a little more, but I don’t remember it. He suggested that the lake could be the churches and the one book could be the Bible because it has so much irrelevant stuff in it now. Hmmmmm, sounds pretty good. He told us a few other dreams that really didn’t make a lot of sense to us. Once, though, his wife did dream of something bad happening in the Philippines. She warned friends and family there to store up a lot of food. A couple of months later there was a devastating cyclone that hit the islands. Then he stopped and asked, “Are you two Americans? ‘Cause my wife had a dream about an American couple that came and were trying to help people with their families.” Then he rubbed his arm like he had goose-bumps and said, “Oh, this is too cool.” His work schedule is going to be a problem especially for the next 2 weeks, but we exchanged phone numbers, told him his wife would be welcome to bring the kids to church this Sunday, and left a Restoration DVD and a Joseph Smith pamphlet. WOW! They also have a statue of Buddha and a Buddhist painting in their home. Just enough to worry about.
Tonight we went out to dinner with the Wyldes and Robinsons from the branch. It was a lot of fun. Wyldes gave me a box of chocolates and Robinsons bought me an incredible chocolate dessert. Too bad restaurant food is so expensive here. Orson had a quarter-pound Porterhouse steak for $34 and I had Mango chicken for $31. The dessert was $9.00. It was all really good, just pricey.

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