Thursday, October 7, 2010


September 30, 2010 Thursday

It’s been a good day. We took today as a D-day since we were going to take tomorrow but then we ended up with 2 lessons tomorrow. The phone rang at 5:30 in the morning. I slept through it, but Orson heard it but didn’t make it out to the phone in time. It was Nancy. (She confessed later she didn’t realize she was calling at that horrible hour. She’s forgiven.) About 9 am, the phone rang and it was Mike’s family singing “Happy Birthday” to me. It was fun to talk to them. They were all on their speaker phone. I tried to call Nancy back, but she wasn’t home. We went to the internet cafe to post some pictures and blogs on our blog. I discovered I’d forgotten to copy the blogs on to the thumb drive, so only pictures went up today.
Then we went Christmas shopping. It was the first time I’ve ever shopped for Christmas on my birthday. We had fun. We are about half through. We got our mail. I had a card from President and Sister Cahoon with Australian lighthouses on it and the scriptures about being a light to the world and holding up the light of Christ for everyone. It’s really neat. And Melanie had sent me a 2nd birthday card with some great pictures of quadrunning, a picnic, and their trip to Zion.
For lunch we went to a little Egyptian Kebab and Falafel place and got two kebabs and brought them home to eat in our air conditioned house (it was 105 in the shade of the carport when we got home.) They were really good. Nancy had called again and said I could call her at ANY time. So I did. It was 11:30 pm at her place, but she said she hadn’t been asleep.
We went to the library to spend some more time on the internet. It’s free there, but you can’t upload or download anything on their computers. I did a little research on the Jehovah’s Witnesses. It’s interesting to read about. Some of their stuff is similar to ours, but they are still hanging on to their 144,000 people who will go to heaven and be appointed rulers over the rest of us after Christ comes again.
We did the weekly grocery shopping and came home. YW is tonight. Since the Rollasons are out of town, we are going to do a first lesson with Carolyn, Jessi, and Kerryanne. Jessi has been asking a bunch of questions that will be answered by the lesson and the other two need the review.

1 comment:

  1. Your sister needs to check her world clock in her cell phone from now on. ;o)

