Monday, October 4, 2010

inside kitchen to front room.


  1. I enjoy reading of your experiences and challenges. Sounds like you are doing fine and enjoying your mission. Our love and best to you.
    Dick and Cenia

  2. Dick finally put your blog on my computer so now I can keep up with the things you are writing. The kitchen and living room look lots better than living in Korea. It is fun reading about the people you are meeting. We hope you are able to teach and baptize people who are honestly seeking the gospel. Conference was so good this weekend!
    I don't think I could stand the heat you are going through and summer hasn't hit yet. Love,Cenia

  3. Cenia, this place is like the celestial kingdom compared to the place we lived in down in Perth for the month before we were sent up here. Thanks for reading. Glad to have you "on board."
