Thursday, October 21, 2010


At the Broome "Conference Center"

October 17, 2010 Sunday

What a good day! Today the branch watched the Sunday sessions of General Conference at our place. We posted signs over at the TAFE in case a tourist showed up over there, but we didn’t get any phone calls from displaced tourists. There were 14 of us which is a great number for our little branch lately. The only others that might have come that didn’t were Karen and Jacob Wylde. Tony came but Richard Brown didn’t. One of my YW came. President Robinson brought the projector from work. We moved the couch to the other side of the room and watch conference on the wall. It was great. But there was something wrong with the sound on the DVD’s. You could barely hear it on our computer. So we got out the speaker thing that we use in church to play the CD’s of the hymns and hooked that up to the computer, and it amplified the sound just fine. President Robinson had brought speakers along with the projector, but they didn’t help. I’d made a Conference Bingo list for the morning and afternoon sessions. That helped keep the kids occupied.
After the morning session we all ate lunch. Renee had brought sandwiches, cookies, watermelon, and chips. I’d made a big ham and cheese macaroni salad, and an apple cake. We also had rolls and juice. Neenya brought some fresh mangos which are ripening on the trees everywhere you look. After lunch everyone but the Robinsons, Tammy and us left. We then watched the afternoon session. Orson and I had already read all the talks, but there was a special spirit that came as we watched them spoken by those inspired men.


  1. When you come home will you be catering to the Salt Lake Conference Center during General Conference sessions?


  2. Nope, but if everyone wants to do a potluck between sessions, we could do that--finger food.
