Thursday, October 21, 2010

This 'n That

It was dusk when we took this, but the little wallaby was very cute and stood and looked at us a long time.
Setting the alarms after church. Once in a while there are one or two geckos in their when he unlocks the box. (Gives him quite a surprise)
From the parking lot into the TAFE where we hold church
Things that grow during high tide...
Only seen at low tide
Neat sunset--just one of many
Funny image on tire cover "Keep on Smiling"
This goes in the road by where we turn in for church each Sunday.


  1. You have been great on your mission, touching many life's and sharing your testimony. You are special people doing a wonderful mission.

  2. Loved the photos. You have to look hard to see the Wallaby but he is cute. Do you see them often? I thought Thailand had lots of creepy crawlies, but I think you have more and bigger.
    The sunset is beautiful. I am sure that makes up for some of the harder things. BTW Gram is Cenia, Dick finally got your blog on my computer so I could read it.

  3. The high tide and low tide pictures aren't from your bathroom floor, are they?

  4. Nope, but the inside of the toilet kind of look like that when we moved in. It's better, but still nothing I would live with back home! We don't have many creepy crawlies--just cockroaches now and again. Although, there are pythons and poinsonous snakes around but we haven't see any, thank heavens!
