Thursday, October 7, 2010


October 4, 2010 Monday

Yesterday morning, Jared called to tell me that one of the young ladies who worked at the opera Production Studio, where I had worked for a year, had committed suicide. I had always thought Carmen was very shy; but now I think her “quietness” may have been because of depression instead of shyness. Then we went to church. President Robinson bore his testimony about the fact that he’s had some trials he’s gong through and how hard it is. He bore testimony that he was grateful for Christ and the opportunity he has to repent. The spirit was very strong. Raffy and Orson bore their testimonies, and then I bore mine. I told about Carmen and the tears began to flow. I mentioned that I have struggled with depression and how much of a help that 2 Nephi 4 is to me. Simone got up and then Karen Wylde. She’s the chorister and I could tell that tears were very near the surface as she led the music. She bore a beautiful testimony. Then Sister Robinson got up. That’s the first time for her since we’ve been here. She told how hard it is for her to watch her children be the only ones in Primary. She then bore a powerful testimony of the church. It was so good to hear her. The spirit of that meeting stayed with me all day long. It was so powerful. What a blessing to be able to participate in something like that.
Tonight we had Family Home Evening. There were only 7 of us. The Shires and Rollasons are out of town. Robinson’s 2 kids were the only little ones. Raffy was here too. We played a matching game made up of numbers and words they are related to, i.e., 12 apostles, 365 days, 12 deacons, etc. Then we did puzzles--the folks had to put together pictures of people who were famous for their prayers: Daniel, the pioneers, and Enoch. We had a good time.

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