Thursday, October 21, 2010


October 19, 2010 Tuesday

When Tony (the guy with the camel) left here Sunday, he said, “See you Tuesday.” He always calls before he comes, and we had our commitment at the care center at 9:30. So we were going to tell him to come later or on Wednesday. So we were still in our PJ’s at 8 am when Tony arrived. I made a dash for the bedroom and Orson answered the door. We ended up watching the Saturday afternoon session of conference with him. (I called the care center and let them know “something” had come up and that we’d be back next week.)
Tonight we arranged for President Robinson to come over and do the scripture study class for us while we went to teach Jhun and Evangeline. What an experience. Each of their three little boys greeted us at the door by taking our hand and pressing it to their foreheads. (I asked Evangeline later about it and she said it was a custom in their part of the Philippines. It is to show respect and they believe they get a blessing by doing that.) We had left the Restoration DVD yesterday when we dropped by their house. Today just as we got to the part about the restoration and Joseph Smith, we read Acts 3:19-21 about the restitution of all things. Jhun interrupted to tell us they had watched the video and believed that Joseph Smith had the vision and began listing reasons why it was totally possible and that Joseph probably had come through the righteous lineage he did so he could have the vision. And Evangeline was nodding her head in agreement the whole time as he talked. He was excited to read the Book of Mormon because he feels like scripture should keep growing and one should help clarify the earlier one. We finished the formal lesson and started to excuse ourselves, but they insisted they wanted to talk some more. Pretty soon Evangeline got up and started preparing some food which I thought was for their boys so they could go to bed. Turns out it was for the 4 of us. We had rice, some meat called “adobo” which was really good, and oxtail soup. They are trying to have the ideal family—that is their goal. And they are doing it by teaching them the truths they have found through study of the Bible. We arrived at 6:36 (Jhun had called us at 6:35 wondering if we were coming.) We didn’t leave there until 10 pm. We just hope we can stay ahead of him. His mind never stops. He seems to remember everything he’s read in the Bible and where to find it. They discuss things every night about how they can improve their family. They are amazing.


  1. I just love reading all your posts. And oh those beautiful pictures of flowers. Those pink ones that you said are your fav's are simply amazing. We pray for you guys daily & hope this little family will end out accepting the gospel. Keep up the good work. We love you!

  2. What an amazing story. I do believe they were prepared to hear you. I can just feel their excitement at learning new things that will bless their family. Keep up the good work. Great Post.

  3. I love Tony! That is awesome he feels comfortable enough to just show up. That is wonderful about the family that seems so ready! That is sooo exciting!

  4. This couple sound so wonderful. Keep this story coming out way.

  5. We saw them briefly on Monday evening. They are very cool. We are going back tonight. Their boys are 7,8, & 12, but they are really small for their ages. Of course, so are the parents.
