Thursday, October 7, 2010


October 7, 2010 Thursday

Last Friday Orson washed the car. It looked so nice. A couple of days later I noticed the back door on the left side (passenger side here) looked like it had been splashed on by someone running through a puddle next to us. The window and door looked a mess. I kept saying I needed to clean that off so the car would look good again. Yesterday, on the bread run, the Wyldes followed us out to the car, and I made a comment about the dirty car since they were approaching from that side. One look and Kevin exclaimed, “Bat poop! That’s bat poop. You better hurry and clean it off or it will eat the finish of the paint.” So today I washed it off. It had been on there a good 5 days at least, but the paint seemed fine.
I’ve discovered a new meaning for the word, “jumper.” It’s what Aussies call jackets. Nobody ever mentioned wearing jackets in the cool weather, and I thought that was odd. I started paying better attention and figured out a different meaning of jumper. Also, you don’t put in a sprinkling system; you get “reticulation” for your yard.


  1. Isn't it funny learning new "English"words. We had British soldiers in our Norwegian branch and I also had some fun experiences when they invited us to dinner and said we were going to have "mince". It took awhile before I figured out that was ground beef. The "boot" of the car and diapers were "nappies". I am glad you learned that bat poop needs to come off quickly. You must live fairly close to bats to get that much.

  2. Yep, we have boots and nappies here too. I think we have had bats in the trees in our yard.

  3. Dad always told me to wash the bird poop off of car paint quickly, also. The moral of this story is never take your car outside...
