Thursday, December 16, 2010


December 11, 2010 Saturday

Today we called Germany and wished Paul, our oldest, a happy 40th birthday. Wow! We never thought we’d have a kid THAT old. But he sounded good and happy so I guess he’s going to survive it.
While we were out tracting this morning, we found an American who retired from the AF after flying planes for 20 years. Somehow he ended up marrying a woman from Canberra. They moved up here and he flies people all over the northwest here. He mentioned he flies a lot of Catholics out to their missions they run in Aboriginal communities. He trained at Columbus AFB in Mississippi when Paul was stationed for a while. He thought Mississippi was a nice place to leave just like Paul and Diana did. He’s Baptist and happy where he is. We did leave him a “Seventeen Points of the True Church” so he could look up a few scriptures to see what Christ had in His church.
Tonight we had the Wyldes come over for dinner. They’ve been packing all day and we figured that Karen would be happy to not have to cook tonight. Their moving truck comes on Wednesday and they leave on Friday or Saturday. We had tacos—a food most people like. In fact, Karen can hardly wait to get back to Perth so they can go to a really good Mexican restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. I love the story about the 17 points of the Ture Church. And that was TOTALLY nice of you to take dinner over to the moving folks. I know you appreciated that when we had to move.
