Friday, December 31, 2010


December 30, 2010 Thursday

This morning we went back to see Dr. IK to get the blood test results. The cholesterol #’s are pretty good, but the best part was that he brought up the Book of Mormon. He had a few questions: The typical, “Are these the ancestors of the red Indians?” “Did they have the book of Isaiah?” and “I’m not quite sure if it’s the truth.” We explained about Moroni’s promise and that he needs to pray about it and answered his other questions. He’s going to keep reading and write down questions he has. The only problem is that I don’t have a return appointment. He did assure us that he has our phone number.
As I was paying, the cashier asked if I was American and then said, “So am I.” She’s from California, near Magic Mountain and has been here for 2 years. She came over with her boyfriend. She said she has a good friend who is going to BYU and then asked where our church is. We explained where we meet and what time, then invited her to church on Sunday.


  1. Very cool that the Dr. is reading in the BofM. You never know, right?!

  2. You are being really great missionaries. I hope some of these people that you are contacting turn out to be good members.
