Thursday, December 16, 2010


Jan Martin, Wild Animal Carer
December 13, 2010 Monday

This morning we visited Jan Martin, the “Wild Life Carer.” Talk about interesting! She took us into the living/dining area where there was a crib with two what looked like the old diaper stackers we used to hang in our closets except that the opening had been sewed up to about the middle of the opening. Sticking out of opening of was the head of a baby wallaby about the size of a Dachshund’s head. These “pouches” were hanging on the inside of the crib. She grabbed a flannel “bag” and took the baby out of its crib pouch. She held the bag open and he wiggled right into it, happy to be in another pouch. There was a full grown wallaby visible on the patio out back. Against the wall was an incubator just like is used in the hospital with 3 flannel “pouches” in it. Jan took a baby wallaby out of one of those—it had no hair yet. Then we went outside to a pen alongside the house. There were more older ones out there, some in flannel pouches. All we saw coming out of one pouch were legs! She then took us to the other side of the house where a fence enclosure was. Hanging upside down in there were about 10-12 “flying foxes,” the largest specie of bat. She went in and got one. Its face really did look like a fox and even has the reddish color of a fox. These are her favorites. They love to be held and lick your fingers just like a dog will. They eat only fruit. She has names for all of them. She said she has even had a couple fly themselves back after being released when they have been sick again. We sat inside while she fed the wallabies from baby bottles. The nipples are really long. She was so interesting to listen to. She’s been doing this for 18 years and pays for all the expenses involved herself. Her husband works at the hospital. They have a 25 year old son living with them. He told us he feeds the bats and cleans their pen.
Tonight we went over to the Seashells resort where the Page family is staying for a BBQ. They invited the branch over for an FHE activity. It has rained nearly all day but cleared up about an hour before the dinner. We used the BBQ outside by the pool. The kids and dads all swam. It has a really nice pool. It was potluck and we ate well. I took chicken marinated in taco seasoning, a Jello fruit salad, and a cheese ball. Only part of the cheese ball came home. We don’t feel bad about that—we can always enjoy it. There was a beautiful sunset tonight but we weren’t able to get any pictures because of the party.
In the playpen
If you don't have a dog, one of these will do ;o)
This little guy lives in the incubator you can see behind him and Jan--"Look, no hair!"
This guy loves attention.
Jan and one of her flying foxes
"In the bat cage"


  1. Very cool. Not so sure about those bats though! :-) Cute little wallaby's!

  2. That is so fun! I want one. Will you bring one home so Roxy can play with it? hahaha Mom-I really like your red outfit. That is cute and looks really comfortable.

  3. Yep, I finally bought a couple of skirts that are practical for this weather. Roxy might not appreciate how cute they are!
