Friday, December 31, 2010


December 31, 2010 Friday

We went tracting this morning. There was a large gray cloud in the northeast. We began to hear some distant thunder and then a woman we talked to said her mom had called to tell her we were going to have a cyclone pass by. We decided to make a run to the store and gas station. When we reached the shopping center, the rain started to dump. It let up just as we needed to leave—we appreciated that. Then it rained hard most of the afternoon. The Great Western News at 5:30 said there was a tropical low that might turn into a cyclone running across the northwest of the state (that’s us). It is supposed to pass by Broome around 2:00 am. But there hasn’t been any heavy rain since then. Even with the air conditioning on, you can hear the rain pounding on our corrugated tin roof when it’s a heavy rain. We just watched the national news at (9:30). All it talked about was the tropical low across our area.
We’ve decided to let the thunder and lightning (if it comes) bring in the New Year. We’re old, so we can go to bed.


It didn’t even come close—no rain last night.


  1. What an interesting way to have rung in the new year if it had turned into a cyclone! Glad it didn't turn into anything & that you stayed safe. Happy New Year to you too!

  2. Those are quite the rainstorms you have. It reminds me a little of the ones in Bangkok where we could stand out on our covered porch and just watch the rain come at us in sheets.

    I am with you. We were asleep before 11 p.m. There was a big family party at Janet's (her birthday) but we left after ringing in the New Year in NY. Even the little GGdaughters stayed up till after midnight.
