Thursday, December 16, 2010


December 12, 2010 Sunday

Today was the Wylde family’s last time for church in Broome. President Robinson asked them to talk and express what they had learned while in Broome. It was great—they’d had no advance warning and ended up taking the whole time. Kevin went first. He’s never been baptized although he’s been attending church off and on for 10-15 years to support Karen. He was raised with Salvation Army and Anglican teachings. He believes in Christ and God and prayer and said he’s working on believing the Book of Mormon is true. He’s enjoyed his associations with the church up here. Karen was more emotional. She explained she’d been totally inactive and didn’t even know the church was up here when she moved here. She saw the senior missionaries when she was a checker at the grocery store but it took her a while to decide to tell them that she was LDS. She finally did but told them she wasn’t ready to come back. It took a while but she finally started coming; she said she had learned so much. She was grateful for the opportunity she’d had to work in the RS and Primary. She thanked Samantha for letting her come visiting teaching. She’s also grown a lot being in a small community because she’d been able to volunteer and help out much more than she had in Perth. Jacob (10) said he was glad he’d lived in Broome and would miss the sunsets.
Our Priesthood/Relief Society meeting was great. The lesson was about the sacrament. President Robinson played part of a DVD by Truman G. Madsen explaining about the Last Supper when Christ introduced the sacrament. It was really good. We also watched his explanation of the atonement. Robinsons will be in Perth for a month, so we are borrowing the set of DVD’s to watch. The DVD’s are titled, “Truman G. Madsen in the Holy Land—The Eternal Christ.” We had ice cream Sunday and a member family, the Pages, from Port Hedland arrived just in time for that. They had hoped to be here for all of church, but their plans didn’t work out so they ended up leaving early this morning instead of yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! The Robinsons sound like a great Branch President! cream...yummmy!
