Thursday, December 9, 2010


Marcella and Justin
December 1, 2010

There’s a divorced fellow in our branch (inactive) who had a lump on his leg back in July. He finally went to the doctor. They removed it here in Broome and sure enough it was cancer. There was another tumor they didn’t dare mess with so he went to Perth for that surgery. He ended up staying quite a while because they had to do skin grafts. Anyway, he returned phone calls while he was down there but has gone back to his old ways since returning home. So we dropped by the computer repair shop where he works the other day to see if he was back to work. Hurray, he was there! His lower leg is wrapped with a dressing and he’s walking on a cane. As we visited, he asked if we wanted to see pictures. Orson turned down the opportunity but I was fascinated. He’d taken progress pictures on his phone from the day after surgery until now. It was amazing what they’ve done with him. I guess not too many people want to see his photos, so he was pleased that I did. He’s had a PET scan to ensure that it hadn’t spread, but he goes to Perth over Christmas for radiation treatments to get “all the little buggers” (as he put it). He’s a sharp guy. We think he’s become addicted to computer games and that’s why he’s inactive now. So sad, computers are great, but they also have caused a lot of problems.

1 comment:

  1. How sad :*(
    At least they are able to treat it. Plus, with moms curiosity on the treatment and stuff it will work out great for reasons to go back and visit!
