Thursday, December 2, 2010


November 28, 2010

Sunday, we went to church with the Nielsen’s in the Doubleview Ward. From one side you can see the city of Perth and on the other side you look down to the ocean. It was amazing to be among so many Mormons! Their ward has quite a few American families in it. The bishop is American as is the RS president and one of her counselors. As we were singing the closing song in RS, I noticed how strange it seemed to be singing with just a bunch of women. It’s been 6 months since I’d done that. After church, they had “Soup Sunday.” It was pretty much a pot luck lunch. We took all the leftover pickles and olives from our Thanksgiving dinner. It was good to be able to visit with some of the folks.
Nielsen’s drove us around their area a little bit; they have some beautiful beaches and parks there. It’s a little better economic area than where we were in Jandakot. We went home and were all going to nap, but we got talking and then exchanging computer files (recipes, etc.). At 4:30, Orson and I went to the Mission Office to listen in on the Auxiliary Training given to the branch leadership. Seemed kind of funny to hear the Robinsons on the other end of the teleconference.
After dinner, we visited some more, played a hand of Michigan Rummy and then went to bed. This morning we headed to the airport. When we checked in, the computer told us there would be a 45 minute delay. We were supposed to leave at 9:45. They kept announcing 15 minute delays. At 11:00, they gave us vouchers so we could get something to eat and we finally left at 12:40—just a few minutes before we should have landed in Broome if all had gone smoothly. It was 102 degrees when we got home and 92 in the house. We turned on the AC, unpacked, ate, washed the underwear and ended a great time away from here. But it feels good to be back.

1 comment:

  1. It is always nice to visit. However, even better when you can go home to your own place ;o)
