Thursday, December 2, 2010


November 19, 2010 Friday

Last night as I was leaving the house to pick up the YW, I turned to slide the door shut and a gecko jumped from the top of the door frame onto my head! I tried to brush him off and he jumped back up onto the door. I slid the door shut, and he jumped onto my head again. This time I succeeded in knocking him onto the driveway. Ooh, not my favorite experience, but I’m just grateful it wasn’t a snake or a big spider. We have seen a couple of 12-18 inch lizards in the yard, but hopefully they’ll never jump on my head.
This afternoon a big bank of dark clouds closed in on Broome. While we were shopping, loud lightning cracks and thunder could be heard outside. Lightning must have hit something in the roof of the shopping center because as we were leaving, a loud alarm began going off. We hurriedly put the groceries into the car and headed home. A few raindrops hit the windshield but it stopped before we got to the house. The thunder and lightning kept going when all of a sudden it was like a firehouse had been turned on the house. It dumped rain for about an hour or more. It was amazing. When it started, I thought it was hail because it was so loud. It was our first taste of “Broome rain” that the people talk about. It’s still cloudy tonight, but at least it’s not raining. Dec 3--we just read in the paper that the storm set a new record for a November rainstorm. Hope we don't set any cyclone records this year!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha That is so funny! I am sorry you had the gecko on your head.
