Sunday, May 15, 2011


May 9, 2011 Monday

…when the mission president gets a phone call complaining about you. Remember a couple of days ago when I wrote about the lady and her apostate husband who are part of the 15 Families reactivation program? Tonight President Cahoon called and said he’d had a phone call from the husband (who identified himself as a member) complaining that we had come banging on his door and given him a whole bunch of stuff to read. Then he told the president to tell us that he couldn’t meet with us this week and that we should come the next week. We explained to the president that we “banged” on the door because we didn’t get any response when we knocked. It was 11:00 am on Saturday and we were dropping off some information about the history of the trinity doctrine that he seems quite enamored with. Poor president—not only does he have 100 young missionaries to deal with; now he’s getting complaints about us old folks too!


  1. Oh that is hilarious. Way to go -- offend the members -- or apostate members. What are they going to do - fire you?! hehe. So funny.

  2. Dad always did have a heavy 'knock.' hahaha Next time be softer :P
