Sunday, May 15, 2011


May 13, 2011 Friday

The nicest people we run into seem to be Filipinos. Many times they invite us right in to talk to them. We received a referral last Monday of a lady whom the elders met while contacting in the city. Her name is Alma and they had even set up an appointment with her for 6 pm tonight. Our problem was that we already had an appointment for that time. But it was with James and he cancelled as usual. Alma came out through the carport and invited us to come around in back and into the family room. Her husband is Ed and we met their 11 year old son, Ahn. They also have a 15 year old son. They have been in Australia for 6 years. The referral said that she had told them that her family was what made her happiest. Ed agreed with that. So we talked about the principle of eternal families and how it affects all that we do and is so important to Heavenly Father’s plan. They are Catholic so we also got into the apostasy and the need for a restoration. They liked what we told them and told us that they let lots of people come in to talk to them so they can learn. They agreed to let us come back next week. Ed works two week on and one week off in the mines so we have them teach while he’s in town. He leaves on Thursday. We also invited them to church. We have an awesome Filipino couple that love missionary work in the ward that we can use to fellowship them.
We had lunch today with the Osgoods. It was a lot of fun. They are both in their late 70’s and so cheerful and happy. She attends the Baptist church craft group and has lots of stories about how she’s “planting seeds.”
This afternoon we went searching for some of the “unknowns” on the ward list. A fellow at one house told us the lady had gone to South Africa because her son had died. Evidently she’s a friend of his family. We got talking to him and found out he’s a “Born Again.” But he was different because he says he goes to church and then comes home and studies the Bible to get a clear understanding. He had some ideas that agree with our ideas. So we talked a long time and he consented to have us back next week also. He thinks Cynthia will be back from South Africa by then too. Should be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the new little Filipino family will lead somewhere. Funny how it seems to be people that aren't really from the place you are called to that are more receptive! That's how it always seemed for me on my mission -- foreigners were always more open than the Germans!
