Sunday, May 22, 2011


May 17, 2011 Tuesday

This afternoon we taught Alma and Ed again, the Filipino couple we met last week. We taught them the Joseph Smith story and the Book of Mormon. They are willing to read and pray. Alma gave the closing prayer and it was a good one. They already have family prayer with their boys each night. Ed said that what we told him gave him a lot to think about. He leaves Thursday for the mines, so it will be a while before we get back to visit them. We also gave them the DVD, Families Forever, to watch.
We dropped by James’ house tonight and gave him the same DVD. We want so much for him and his partner, D’nella, to get married and become active in the church. It would be so good for them and for their family.
The bishop told us to visit Jared to see if we can teach him the lessons again. He went inactive 15 years ago when he was 1 7. Then he married Dana who was raised in an atheistic home where they won’t let anyone make any references to God. So she’s not interested at all and he’s very contented with his lifestyle. He still believes, but he won’t start the whole church thing without his wife coming with him. The high point of the visit was when he offered us some passionfruit cheesecake. Oh, my goodness, it was good! However, just as good was getting to play with Corrie, their 3 year old little girl. She wasn’t shy in the least and brought me her tablet she was coloring in. We colored suns, dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. She and her 18 month old little sister, Jaycee, both have dark, dark eyes, and blonde hair. They are so cute! It was fun to be there. Jared is really a nice guy and said we could drop by and discuss stuff with him. We’ll see how it goes. He’s not planning on changing anything soon; but if we can help him gain a better understanding of the gospel, that will be a step forward.

1 comment:

  1. I definately think you should go see Jared and his family again. We need to get that cheese cake recipie! Little kids are so much fun.
