Sunday, May 15, 2011


May 15, 2011 Sunday

We started teaching Ariel again today. She’s the girl whose parents thought we were giving her “too much, too soon” when we taught her the first half of the first lesson. So today we started from the basics and just talked to her about the Godhead and who is in it. We talked a little about Christ and reviewed His birth. She really hasn’t had any religious training until she moved over here from New Zealand and in with her active father’s family.
Fifi came back from Indonesia and came to church today. She cut her hair while she was there, and it’s changed her from looking like a young girl to looking like a smart professional. It’s amazing what a difference it made on her. She stayed for all three meetings and exchanged phone numbers with a girl from Taiwan who is about her age and who just moved into the ward. She is still excited to learn the Gospel.
Today for the Aaronic Priesthood restoration, they had all priesthood bearers come forward to sing, “Praise to the Man.” Adam Mortly, the organist, played the accompaniment on the organ with it set so it sounded like a bagpipe. It was beautiful. He said he copied it from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It was also very neat to have all those men up there singing together.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Fifi coming back. That is always great to hear. I just don't see bagpipes coming into the chapel. haha
