Sunday, May 15, 2011


Missionary cars come in two colors now.
New missionary car--we don't have one yet :o(
April 26, 2011 Tuesday

Can the lack of an accent make one homesick? You bet it can! After dinner tonight I answered the phone and the speaker identified himself as Brother Chun from our ward. He and his wife do the LDS bookstore here in Perth. He was calling in response to a phone call I’d made last week concerning getting a Book of Mormon Stories from them. They’d been sick all week with the flu, and he was calling to tell me they were out of the books. I was thoroughly enjoying talking to him (I hadn’t ever been formally introduced to him at church, just had an idea of who he was) when I suddenly realized he was talking just like an American, and it sounded sooooo good. He’s from California, and he and his Aussie wife moved here 8 years ago to care for his wife’s parents. Her dad died 5 years ago, and her mom, Betty Reeves, is whom we visited last week. After we hung up, I was still excited and then I realized I was feeling homesick for people talking like that. Sigh.


  1. Is that a hint that we should be calling you more?! :)

  2. Hmmm....All you have to do is start talking like a native, then you will realize that they all talk like you!
