Sunday, May 22, 2011


May 20, 2011 Friday

One day last week we decided to spend some time looking for “Unknowns” on the ward list. Nobody was home at the first two houses. At the 3rd house, the man who answered the door explained that Cynthia Qegu just lived at their place when she is in town. Cynthia and they are from South Africa but not related. Cynthia is a midwife and works for a temp agency working all over West Australia. We asked him if she ever talked about her religion with him. The answer was, “No.” So we began talking to him. He was very friendly and polite. He was raised Catholic but became “born again” at some point. He said he didn’t know anything about the Mormons. After we explained a lot, he admitted that he had heard about Mormons but claimed he hadn’t because he wanted to hear us explain us instead of listening to others’ opinions. He goes to church and then comes home and reads the Bible and studies it to find out what it really says. So tonight we went back and read 1 Nephi 13 & 14 with him; it explains about John writing Revelations which he had brought up the first time we talked to him. We told him the Joseph Smith story and gave him the Book of Mormon explaining it was up to him to read and pray about it. He absorbed it all and said he would study it. We told him we’d give him a call in a couple of weeks to see what he thought about it. If we are any judge of character, we think he will give it a fair trial. It was a great visit.
We also dropped by Wendy Rosales, a former “unknown.” Her family is from El Salvador. She’s the only member. She was at the door before we even got there. Her mom came in and sat down to talk too. When they first joined the church, elders used to go to their house all the time because they loved the Latin friendliness and food. We had a good visit. Wendy even asked what time the meetings were. Her brother has been teasing her about going to church lately. She wants to come and bring him. We’ll see.
It rained almost all day today. Everyone is so happy when it rains (except missionaries).

1 comment:

  1. That made me laugh that he wanted to hear how YOU explained it and not go off of what others say. That is great. Definately will give it a fair trial, sounds like he is smart.
    Nope, not everyone is happy that it rains, up here in Utah! I think we are all rained out and done with it. ;)
