Sunday, May 15, 2011


Mormon RSL and a "Helping Hand"

Sister ?, Sister Wolfgram from Tonga, Sister Pecu from New Zealand via Melbourne
Sister Zhong from China (!) in the middle

This morning all the missionaries in the Perth area met at the mission office where we were given “Mormon Helping Hands” t-shirts to wear for the morning. We then drove to King’s Park, the largest park in the city. It’s beautiful, set up on the hill high above the Swan River and covers many, many acres of land filled with walking trails, biking trails, playgrounds, a visitors’ centre, and more. It’s officially called a botanical garden. Along some of the roadways are gum trees that have been planted as a memorial for each of the Australian veterans who have given their lives in war since the First World War. There are over a thousand of them. At the base of each tree is a plaque with a veteran’s name, his birth and death dates, his military unit, where he died and how old he was killed. There is one tree that has 3 plaques of 3 brothers who died. There were some with 2 that were brothers or a father and son. The 70 year old trees are huge and beautiful, but the plaques get dirty. So we cleaned them. They had a short welcome for us by the head of the Perth Royal Servicemen’s League (similar to our VFW). They were quite impressed that all of us were from other Australian states and foreign countries and that we would do this for their servicemen. Monday is ANZAC day which is like our Veterans’ Day. It was a good project. (We had to turn in the t-shirts.)
Tonight Yingping came over for dinner. We gave her the quad that we had ordered for her baptism. She was so impressed that we would spend that kind of money on her and wants to help us out when she gets a job. We had hamburgers and campfire fried potatoes. She brought over a cake she’d made. We talked about temples, family history and a few other things. She’s also had a friend asking her why she joined the church. Her friend has asked her questions about the church that she can’t answer. So we answered those for her. We told her we’d be happy to talk to her friend ;o)


  1. What an awesome thing that you guys could "lend a helping hand!" That's a cool thing they've done putting those plaques there. Must be an awesome site to see. That'll be neat if you could teach Yingping's friend.

  2. What a neat experience to have. That would be a great thing to have with a plaque for every tree. That is so cool!
