Sunday, May 15, 2011


April 24, 2011 Sunday

It was a beautiful day. It was cloudy and rained some of the time, and the people were grateful for it because of the 10 year drought that is going on. What made the day beautiful were the two programs we attended. Sacrament meeting was simple, but powerful. A member from Hong Kong spoke about going back to Hong Kong two months ago for the funeral of his father-in-law. He told about having the opportunity to place the temple robes on this good man and preparing him for the day of resurrection. The second speaker told the story of “The Parable of the Bicycle” that is in the book, Believing Christ, and related it to his and our lives. Then Brother and Sister Tomlinson and Brother Rogalski sang, “Were You There?” The final speaker gave a beautiful summary of the final events of Christ’s life and the resurrection. The spirit in the meeting was sweet and powerful at the same time.
Tonight we attended the Stake Easter Fireside, and it, too, was just incredible. There were 10 musical numbers done in solos, duets, etc. Interspersed between them was dialogue presented by 5 brethren and a sister sitting on opposite sides of the stand dressed as at the time of the Savior. Every number was so well done. As the dialogue was presented, there was very appropriate, yet quiet, piano music in the background. At the end, President Pemberton gave a thoughtful 15 minute talk about our responsibility that comes as a result of the Atonement.
We couldn’t have asked for a nicer day. (And we didn’t even eat one chocolate bunny or egg!)


  1. Sounds like a fabulous day. I think we ate more than enough chocolate bunny's and eggs for you! :)

  2. How sad! No Easter Egg hunt? hahaha j/k I am glad to hear how fun it was for you to be there.
