Thursday, March 24, 2011


March 22, 2011 Tuesday

Tai is scheduled to be baptized on Thursday. Late this afternoon the elders in the Como Ward called to say that Yingping wants Orson to baptize her on Sunday. We are excited. We thought for sure she’d want one of the elders to do it, but we were wrong. It’s been a long time since he’s done a convert baptism. What a blessing it is to be here in Perth.
Tonight we taught James again. His son Jay was there. We asked him how he liked church when he attended. He said, “Well, I think I’ll start off coming once a month and then work in from there.” Wahoo! At ward council later, we requested that the YSA kids start fellowshipping him. There was a YSA rep there so I think it will happen. James gave a beautiful prayer at the end of the lesson too.
Last night we went to the mission home for FHE and dinner. Sister Cahoon had made her traditional Chinese dinner that she does every December for about 60 of their closest friends. It included orange chicken, gingered beef, beef chow mien, and peachy prawns. It was all excellent! We had a good time. Brother Nielson gave a lesson on scriptures. Somehow we ended up discussing lineage. Cahoons said that among their children, there are 2 from Mannasah and one from Dan. Nielsons have one from Dan. Sister Kruger said her son’s lineage is Naphtali. We were blown away. Our family is just the tribe of Ephraim—how boring!

1 comment:

  1. Humph! We are boring?! Geez, where is the love. Next time will you marry someone different, then we might have some variety for you. :P hahaha I think that is great that Yingping had dad baptize her. That is so neat. Go dad!
