Tuesday, March 8, 2011


March 8, 2011 Tuesday

A week ago Saturday, our stake patriarch died suddenly of a heart attack. He was only 67 and it left everyone feeling a great loss here because he and his wife are also members of our ward. We offered our services to be “behind the scenes” because we hadn’t gotten to know the family personally, and we figured there would be others who needed to attend the funeral more than we did. So we became the designated house sitters during the funeral. And what a lovely home it is. Brother LeRoux and his wife had obviously built and cared for their home with love. Sister Leroux’s mother who is 88 also lives with them. She’s amazing—I would never have guessed that she is in her late eighties. She had some beautiful counted cross stitch things framed and hung here and there. The family had opted to have the “wake” at their home instead of at the church; so after the funeral the RS presidency showed up with all the food donated for the gathering. And there wasn’t one piece of ham nor plate of funeral potatoes! However, there were beautiful fruit platters, sausage rolls, plates of sandwiches cut into triangles, chips, veges and dips, cake, cheesecake, etc. You could tell that all the donations had been made with love. A neighbor brought over a couple of huge trays of food also. Almost every flat surface was covered with beautiful cards and flowers they’d received. It was a nice tribute to a good man.

1 comment:

  1. You were good missionaries providing what was needed and had a good experience as well. I could just imagine those fruit platters. I am sure they were beautiful.
