Thursday, March 24, 2011


March 12, 2011 Saturday

Friday, while we were tracting we ran into Kevin, a Malaysian university student. He announced himself as Buddhist, but as we talked with him we could tell that he had done a lot of thinking about eternal things because he asked, “If everyone has to know about Jesus Christ, what happens to people who died without ever hearing of him?” We briefly explained that the true gospel of Jesus Christ provided for that. He seemed really sharp and willing to listen. He agreed to meet us at the church this morning for a lesson. And miracle of miracles, he showed up! We showed him around the building and then taught him. We read with him part of the 138th section of the D&C to help him understand what he had questioned yesterday. Then we taught him about prophets, explained the Joseph Smith story and gave him the Book of Mormon to read and pray about. He was even willing to pray at the end of the lesson. He has a long way to go and is concerned about studying this in addition to his Mechanical Engineering in school, but he’s willing to try. We don’t have another lesson set up with him, but he said we could call him to see how he’s doing. He already had plans for tomorrow so he won’t be at church. It was neat to teach him. You can tell he knows some stuff about Jesus Christ—I think they must cover it in their history classes in school or something. We are going to teach him concerning Christ and the atonement next time we meet with him.

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