Tuesday, March 8, 2011


March 2, 2011 Wednesday

This morning we joined the Zone Leaders in a lesson with Yingping. They had asked her to read Enos and she did! It must be that they are cuter than we are—at least that is what we are telling ourselves. She still is holding back. I think she is afraid to let go of her self image as a “free thinker.” But it was fun to see her again. The Gospel would help her so much.
This afternoon we got to teach Monica whom we met last week. We had introduced her to the idea of the apostasy, restoration and Book of Mormon. She was really anxious to get the book. She just seemed to absorb what we told her. Near the end, her little boy started to get fussy while she needed to read some scriptures so I got to hold and play with him. I still couldn’t get a big smile out of him although he was comfortable being on my lap. When we finished, she smiled and said, “I have so much to learn.” She agreed to come to church on Sunday. We have to arrange a ride for her.
Tonight we taught Tai. He’s from New Zealand, is 18 years old, and is playing rugby for Curtain University. It’s interesting—he doesn’t even have to be taking any classes. He was invited over here to play rugby and he agreed to come. His family is LDS and has been active off and on. About 6 months ago he started going to church with his friends and he believes it’s true. He’s had most of the lessons already in NZ. So we are basically reviewing stuff for him. He agreed to be baptized near the end of the month. He told us he wants to get baptized, wait a year, and then go on a mission! He’s living with his cousin’s family in our ward. They are a super sharp family of Kiwis.
After that we took cake and ice cream over to Elder Campbell. He turned 22 today. He and Elder Kent are so cute. There was another set of elders at their flat when we got there. And just as we left, the sisters in the district showed up with a birthday cake for him. It was fun.

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