Tuesday, March 8, 2011


March 6, 2011 Sunday

This morning we taught Ariel her first lesson. She is a young (13) Kiwi who has been living with her mother who is a non-member. For the last while she’s been living with her dad and step-mom who are active members. Her step-mom’s parents are living with them also and are faithful members. Ariel’s been attending church and wants to be baptized in April when her half-brother gets baptized. It’s so fun to be with “islanders.” They are so happy and loving. Her grandma, mom and dad all sat in on the lesson too. She was very quiet at first but warmed up a little bit; when her mom asked her to give the closing prayer, she did a great job.
At church, Tai, the rugby player we taught earlier in the week asked us to come over to teach him after church. So we went over and “had” to eat dinner with them first. The Fatu family is famous for their food. We had chicken curry and lasagna, and it was goooooooood. We then taught Tai about (reviewed is more like it) the Word of Wisdom, Tithing and Fast Offerings, and the Sabbath Day. We also read some of the Joseph Smith pamphlet with him. He says he wants to be baptized on his birthday, March 24! He’s willing to meet almost every day so we can have him prepared. He’s such a good kid. We can’t believe how the Lord has just “dropped him in our laps!”
Adam Mortly had invited us over for dinner tonight, but we had already scheduled a couple of visits so they said to just “pop over” after we were done. His wife, Hannah, is due with their 4th baby in 3 weeks or so. And Scott, Adam’s brother and the ward mission leader, and his wife were there also. We arrived in time for dessert, apple crumble and custard with a philo crust on top and ice cream on top of that. We are definitely waddling tonight! It was fun to sit and talk with these sharp young families. Adam served his mission in California. He and his wife are hoping to move to Utah soon and have now convinced Scott and Melissa that it isn’t a bad idea for them. Another great Sabbath and we’re very grateful.

1 comment:

  1. What a good day for you. It makes my heart feel good when I read your posts and see the good you are doing.
