Thursday, March 24, 2011


March 18, 2011 Friday

The hot water heater for this house is one of those gas “on demand” type things. But it’s been a real pain taking a shower. Once you get the water temperature set and start showering the hot water gradually shuts itself off and you are having a cold shower. So you turn up the hot water and it gradually takes over the cold you have until it becomes so hot you have to add more cold. By the end of the shower you’ve turned up the water to where it is just pounding on you. It’s not too bad now, but we weren’t looking forward to having the cold part in the winter.
So today we had a flat inspection. This lady was very fussy compared to the one we had for the Como flat. Her only really big complaint was that we haven’t been watering the grass. Hardly anybody does on this street so we didn’t figure it was a problem. But she thought dead and dying grass wasn’t a good idea. So we will start watering. It will be interesting to see what it does to the utilities bill. All of the senior missionaries’ utilities are averaged so it won’t be just us paying for the extra water. Anyway, Orson mentioned the water temperature problems. She checked it out and said she would send a plumber out to take a look. Hurray!
We took a copy of Book of Mormon Stories to James tonight when we went over to teach him. He struggles with reading so he was really excited about the book written in easier language. We gave one to Tai also this week. On the way home we swung by Monica’s house to see if there were lights on. And guess what? She was out at the mailbox checking her mail. She’s been ignoring our phone calls. So we stopped to talk to her. She says she’s not been “connecting” when she reads the Book of Mormon. We finally figured out that she wasn’t feeling the same spirit that she gets when she reads the Bible. Also her family has been giving her grief about studying with us. We were finally able to convince her to give us another chance. We sure hope it bears fruit.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need to have a timer on when to turn on the cold & turn up the hot etc. Winter will be funny. Congrats on getting it fixed, hopefully. I have to laugh about the grass comment-did you tell them it looks GREAT compared to the buffalo grass? HA
