Thursday, March 24, 2011


March 15, 2011 Tuesday

This afternoon we went over to teach Tai. He greeted us in a construction worker outfit: hat with a brim all the way around, and neon green and navy shirt and pants. He was so nervous: We’d told him that Elder Harvey was coming over to do his baptismal interview. We discussed the principles in The Gospel of Jesus Christ with him. He had us explain the Atonement to him again and then repeated it back to us to make sure he knew it. Elder Harvey, a DL in a neighboring district and his brand new companion, arrived. The 3 of us left Tai and Elder Harvey to do the interview, and we were served ice cream with fruit over it in the dining area. Nice way to spend an interview. Tai passed with flying colors. Afterwards, Elder Harvey commented, “He’s golden.”
Tai’s cousin told us they’d talked to him about telling his family. So he called his LDS grandma today and told her. She was happy and advised him to write his minister father a letter. That’s a good approach.
Earlier we went to Graham and Tata’s house. We were going to show them, The Legacy. But they had been given an old DVD player and didn’t have the all the cables necessary to hook it up to the TV. We could see it, but only the back ground noises/music was audible. We’ll try it again; he said he’d get the right stuff. We’d also tried it on his computer, but his speakers only run on batteries and they must have been weak. (He says he’s “old fashioned” and only got a computer 5 years ago.) We had a good visit in the midst of all the technical problems. She told us that her brother had been killed by guerilla fighters who thought he was an army member in the jungles of the southern island where her family lives when he was 25.
We also visited Sister Clinch today. She’d been mugged a couple of weeks ago as she was driving her “gopher” on a path along the river there in Gosnell’s. Three teenage boys came up behind her on a scooter, jerked her purse from around her neck and “scooted” away. Thank heavens she wasn’t hurt badly. Her neck still bothers her and she has some headaches. She’s going to “physio” (Aussie for Physical Therapy) for that. It’s sad; it’s really scared her from going out alone. She just turned 87 last week.

1 comment:

  1. Shoot! Where do I sign up? I want ice cream for an interview ;) Congrats on him passing. I know he is baptized by now, but still fun to read about! I am sorry about Sister Clinch.
