Thursday, March 24, 2011


Missionary enjoying p-day
Causeway to the island we couldn't visit
Setting up to film a commercial on the beach.
Bunkers on Peron Point
Beautiful bay
Any hole in a rock will do, obviously.
Hartog Island?
Parking on the "Verge" Everyone does it.
March 14, 2011 Monday

Today we got up early and headed down to Rockingham. It’s a city south of Fremantle where we saw a large island in the bay that had a causeway running out to it. We thought it would be great to explore. It was only about an hour’s drive from here. When ` we got to the causeway, there were signs saying only those with passes could go across. We went into the little office there and were greeted by 4 military people behind the counter. It turned out that the island is a navy base. So much for that idea.
But just a little farther along the road on the peninsula was Peron Point. The area was formerly an army stronghold protecting the bay. There were all kind of cement bunkers, gun turrets, etc., connected by some nice paths between them and beautiful vistas of old limestone rocks and the ocean rolling in onto them. There was a huge crew of people there on one beach getting ready to film a commercial. We couldn’t believe all the people involved.
After that we drove on down the coast to a place called Safety Bay. It was beautiful. The ocean there had every color of blue in it you could imagine. We ran into a delightful 80 year old lady who bicycles down to the beach almost every day so she can take a swim. She was wearing a faded T-shirt from Solvang, CA. She and her husband had taken a bus tour of the southwestern US years ago. We had a great visit. It was a beautiful, relaxing time.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like so much fun. I think you are having too much fun touristing around :P
