Thursday, September 22, 2011


18 Sep 2011 Sunday

Amy had her baptismal interview today during Sunday School with President Moulds. She came out all smiles. He even showed her the baptismal font. They checked out the baptismal clothing—as per West Australia, it’s dismal. We’ll make a trip to Perth this week to get something for her to wear and also some baptismal forms since we didn’t get any when we were given our area book. The sisters talked her into staying for Relief Society and for the luncheon after. President Ferris was one of the stake speakers and he ended up visiting with Amy for a while after the lunch. She helped clean up and seemed to really enjoy herself.
Yesterday while we were going over the baptismal questions with her, she said that Brett still wants to be baptized. President Moulds mentioned it again today, so we are going to try to get him ready for next Sunday too. He has time at home this week. We are so blessed to have been given this sweet family to teach!
He also told us that Di Jardine can be baptized. She the woman in Katanning whose parents removed her name from church records when she was 14. She is now married to a member. We called and told her husband. She’d worked night shift last night, so she was still sleeping. We hope she will want to become a member so they can go to the temple.
I started making up our area book. We finally got the forms for it on Wednesday. It’s a lot of work to go back over two months of teaching, visiting, etc., and fill out the stuff. I highly recommend doing it on a daily or at least weekly basis.
It’s dumping rain today. We’ve had a lot of rain the last couple of days. It’s great for the farmers.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!! So excited for you guys & Amy. What a fabulous thing to be a part of.
