Thursday, September 8, 2011


September 3, 2011 Saturday

Brett and Amy are the good news. We met with them yesterday and gave him the first lesson. He’s a nice guy who just seems to accept everything we tell him. He’s excited to learn about the restoration; and when we told him that he would be able to give blessings to his family and that their son would be passing the sacrament in 6 years, he grinned from ear to ear.
Today we gave them the plan of salvation and it was a beautiful experience. Our biggest challenge will be getting him to attend church. He works at the Boddington mines as a diesel mechanic. He works 2 weeks on and 1 week off. Weeks begin on Tuesday so he’ll only be able to attend church once every 3 weeks. In order to be baptized, a person must attend church at least twice. Of course we don’t want to baptized him just for the sake of getting a baptism, but he and Amy seem so ready that it’s hard to just have to wait. Tomorrow is Father’s Day and his family always does a breakfast together so there goes getting them to church tomorrow. We found out that Brett used to work for President Moulds, the branch president. There are all kinds of connections in a small town.
We haven’t been able to see Tracy since Tuesday. It’s unusual for her to not be at home. I hope everything is okay with her.

1 comment:

  1. Glad they made it to church. Hopefully they'll continue taking the lessons and follow through with baptism.
