Thursday, September 8, 2011


This is in front of our house. It's spring here and the flowers are beautiful. We have lots more pictures that we will bore you with when we get home.
September 5, 2011 Monday

We were tracting this afternoon and passed the corner where Dieterik and Madelin live. Their little girl was jumping on the trampoline and waved and started talking to Orson, so he asked her to go get her mom. She invited us in. (Last week we had run into her in a parking lot of a retired citizen housing area and given her a Restoration DVD.) Dieterik was home; he hurried to explain that he’d gotten off early. Then he got a phone call calling him back to work. So we asked her if she’d watched the DVD. “Twice,” she replied. She liked it and said it confirmed what we’d talked about the first time we visited. She asked a lot of questions. We left her the Restoration pamphlet and also the Joseph Smith pamphlet. And she set an appointment for us to come back and teach her on Monday which is her day off. She didn’t want to wait and try to coordinate with Dieterik because his schedule is so hectic. As we answered her questions about church and our mission, she commented that it all sounded so weird. We invited her to church and explained all about the meetings. She asked about the age group of the members, how many we have, etc. She’s quite intrigued and doesn’t want to admit it. But that’s okay—the spirit’s working on her and that makes us happy. We think if we can get her convinced that Dieterik will follow right behind.


  1. That would be so great if you could start teaching them both too. So excited that you are starting to see some fruits of your labors.

  2. Yes! Trampolines are awesome. ;)
