Thursday, September 8, 2011


September 4, 2011 Sunday

Happy Father’s Day! Not sure if you remember from last year that Fathers Day in Australia is in September. (That must be because they aren’t celebrating Labor Day this weekend.) It was cute; someone had picked some small purple flowers from their yard, wrapped a few stems with scotch tape and stuck a pin on them so all the dad’s had a boutonniere at church. They were pretty wilted by the time we got out of church, but it’s the thought that counts. I think it was Deborah, the Primary President, who did it.
The best part of the day was that part way through testimony meeting Amy and Brett showed up with their kids. They had been to breakfast at his parents and “done the gift thing” so they came to church. There were 2 or 3 beautiful testimonies at the end that they heard and really enjoyed. President Moulds hurried down to welcome Brett and tell him how great it was that they had come with their kids ‘cause “we are a family church.” Michelle Olds was thrilled that they came and had coloring books and crayons for Blake and Keydon(?). Of course, they each ended up out in the foyer with Keydon; he’s 2 and never had to be quiet before. They stayed for Sunday School. We met in the kitchen/seminary room/nursery for Gospel Essentials so the kids could play. Michelle Olds and Tammy Crooks came in with their little kids too. And it worked. We taught, the adults listened and participated and the kids made noises that for the most part we were able to ignore.
We had asked President Moulds if the branch had any copies of the LDS bible that we could give to Brett. He came out of his office with a branch new set of leather scriptures for him. He mentioned he had another set of a different color too. We gave him some money and were able to give Amy a nice set too. And they were so excited! We just can’t believe how blessed we’ve been to be able to find and teach them. We love it!
This afternoon we dropped in on Lorelle Ness whom we’d visited when we first came here. We had a talk of Elder Uchtdorf’s “On the Road to Damascus” that we thought would help her. We had a good visit with her and challenged her to take the steps necessary to turn back to Christ and the church to guide her life and get past the bad things that happened six years ago. She said she would think it through and give us a call. She is such a sharp lady; Satan has really worked to keep her from progressing. We hope we can help her climb back up.

1 comment:

  1. What a great thing to have the branch be so positive and welcoming to brett and amy. That is fun that the others brought their kids in so they could all play together. Then they kept busy themselves. WAHOOOO
