Thursday, September 29, 2011


September 23, 2011 Friday

…just like Brett and Amy. We finished up Brett’s lessons today. We had an appointment for noon with him. He wasn’t there when we arrived so Amy called him. He said he’d be just 10 minutes. He finally showed up at 1 pm, but it was okay because we just sat there and enjoyed a great visit with Amy. What a delight she is! So we gave him the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson and he accepted everything so well. He said a beautiful closing prayer full of gratitude for the things they are learning and for his family. We left just floating on “Cloud Nine.”
Later this afternoon we stopped by Madelen and Dieterik’s. They were both home. She said she’d been doing just a little reading in the Book of Mormon. She did admit that we have answered many of the questions she had when we first met them. We invited them to the baptism on Sunday and she almost froze up. For some reason, she is scared to even walk in the door of another church. We had a good visit with them and talked and laughed about a variety of things. Somehow, we’ve got to get them out to church.
Then we went to see Bob Lane. Seems like he’s been avoiding us lately. He came out and we talked on the porch for an hour. We really challenged him to quit “mulling things over” and put his faith in God instead of in his own cognitive power. We let him know that it’s all up to him: he can continue like he is or he can trust in God to answer his prayers about the Book of Mormon. We think he realizes the big changes it would take for him to become a Mormon and is scared of making that kind of commitment. He’s such a good guy. He needs to be in the church.

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