Thursday, September 8, 2011


September 8, 2011 Thursday


Lots of door-knocking; not much success. But yesterday we took one of the roads (White Road)out of town and drove along going to farmhouses. We hardly found anyone home until the last 2 houses. Claire was very agreeable that we should come back. She and her boys had just come in from “crotching” the sheep. What’s that? That’s what Orson asked. They clean up the sheeps’ back sides and faces so that the blow flies don’t bother them so much. This is done after shearing evidently. We’ll go see her tomorrow after lunch.
At the last place we had turned around to drive back down the lane when the owner drove up in his truck and stopped. Orson got out and talked to him for a half an hour. He seemed so sharp but he just didn’t want to upset his wife who is a devoted Anglican.
As we were driving back towards town on a different road, we came to the Narrogin Gliding Club. There were about 15 small house trailers, a runway, and several gliders in a hanger. There were also a bunch of specially shaped trailers for hauling a glider around. The sign says gliding is done on Saturdays and Sundays. We figure there must be a bunch of folks who come down from Perth and stay the weekend. We have seen one glider up in the air since we’ve been here.

Our last photo of our neighbor's cat who moved away yesterday. We enjoyed her.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA Hope she washed her hands-EWW that sounds so gross. I wouldn't want to clean sheep bums.
    I LOVE your cat picture!!!
