Thursday, September 15, 2011


Check out our bathroom window. It only goes 5/6 of the way to the top. It's great for getting rid of unpleasant odors, but it certainly makes for a cold seat in the wintertime! We had a window like this at our flat in Thornlie too. BRRRRRR!
September 12, 2011 Monday

Some Mondays leave a lot to be desired, but today was great. This morning we taught a first lesson to Madelin. We met the family over a month ago but haven’t been able to teach them because of Dieterik’s work which was always interfering when we had something set up. Madelin is very curious about the gospel and has always had a lot of questions when we’ve talked. She seemed very comfortable with everything we presented and is excited to read the Book of Mormon. Just as we were finishing her friend arrived with her little boy named Elijah Malachi. She commented that she knows Tanya Sala one of the branch members. We would have loved to have been able to listen to the conversation after we left.
Then after lunch we taught Peter Atkinson. He’s doing a home study course to become a Baptist minister but was willing to listen to us explain about our beliefs. We could tell he’d done a little “homework” before we came because he even knew the church began sometime between 1820 and 1830. We talked around the first lesson and tried to get him to read the Book of Mormon, but he was still comfortable saying that the Bible was all he needs. They just don’t get it that God can continue revealing things to as many people as he wants.
Tonight we had dinner and family home evening with Jeremy and Merja Priest. They had Amy and Brett and family there too. It was a nice evening. They had us bring the “activity” so we had everyone play “Hot ‘n Cold” so the little boys could play too. Of course, they didn’t want to quit playing until the ice cream came out. Tonight was Brett’s night off between going from night shift to day shift so he was able to come home which worked out really great. Orson was able to talk to him and reassure him that we will wait for him to be ready before he gets baptized.


  1. bwahahaha you need a seat warmer for your toilet! I hope Madelin pulls through for you. That is great that she has so many questions for you. Good for Brett. That has to be super hard for him with the coffee.

  2. What an odd thing to have for a window. Maybe you could cover it with something - haha board it up!
    Nice that Brett was willing to spend his night off with you guys. That's got to be a good sign, right?!
