Friday, June 4, 2010

Ritu and Manoz visits

May 27, 2010 Thursday

Today we talked to Ritu. She is the Indian girl who we talked to here in our “apartment” complex. She had asked us to come at 11:30 in the morning so her husband would be home. We had hoped he would listen too, but he didn’t. He didn’t even stick around long after we arrived. Ritu is very cute. She got married in India in December and came here for one month. Then she had to return to India and get a “spouse visa.” Her husband is also from India, but he already has his permanent citizenship. She’s been here just 2 months. She’s very curious to learn about Jesus Christ. She knew a little bit about him from what she studied in school. She and her husband are Hindus; they are from Northern India. We explained some stuff about how Christianity differs from her religion. (Orson started reading a lot about the eastern religions about 3 years ago. It sure has come in handy since we got here.) She said she would check with her husband to see if he will watch a DVD about Christ with us the next time we come. She just dressed in regular western clothing. I guess I thought all Hindu women dressed in the sari.
We went to see Manoz. He had read all of 1st Nephi. We’ve been praying hard that he would be able to understand better what he is reading. We read the first two chapters of 2nd Nephi with him. Chapter 2 is what Lehi said to Laman and Lemuel about agency and opposition and Adam and Eve. When we finished, Manoz said, “This is what I’ve been looking for in this book; not history, but the good stuff!” He loved reading about the doctrine. His prayer today at the end of our meeting with him was so sincere and pure about learning the truth from us. He already starts his prayers with, “Our Father in Heaven,” and ends it with, “In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.” We talked to him a few days ago how important it is to end our prayers that way so that Satan has no chance to “hijack” what we are praying. He seems to understand that.
It’s been raining off and on all morning and early afternoon. Then around 4 pm, it just started to rain steadily. It was cold too. We went to the library tonight to use the internet to enter some referrals.

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