Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Double Whammy

JUNE 15, 2010

Tonight we had dinner with the Robinsons again. President Robinson wanted to talk to us about the branch and what he wanted us to do while we are here. We have kind of been waiting to see what he expected of us and what we could do. Now we know. Orson will act as first counselor in the presidency, and I will be the Relief Society president. I’d already heard that was sort of the traditional assignments for the missionary couples. But then he added, “And I’d like you to be the Young Women president also.” THAT was unexpected. Sister Crawford, the sister who was here with her husband last, had mentioned that she had started to do some stuff with the teenage girls. President Madison said that he’d asked every sister who had been here to try to do stuff with the girls and that Sister Crawford was the only one who had. But she had only done it once right at the end of the time they were here. She had sent a Book of Mormon reader and a set of gospel art pictures for the Rollason girls and a Book of Mormon reader for Carolyn Shires. It was like magic when we delivered them. The girls’ eyes lit up like Christmas trees when we mentioned Sister Crawford and that she’d sent them the books. If we can work and strengthen these girls, it will be a wonderful thing. Pretty much their parents are alcoholics and pot heads. If the church can hang onto them, it will be their only hope for a decent life. About the only thing the RS presidents have done is visiting teaching. Since we don’t have a separate RS on Sunday, I hope to plan a monthly evening activity. Sister Wylde and Sister Robinson both need some unstructured time with other women in the church. Also, Orson and I have been asked to talk in church on Sunday. We will also be teaching the “Combined RS and Priesthood Class” on a rotating basis with President Robinson. He gave us the “go-ahead“ to start a Family Home Evening here at the house.
We found a couple of inactive members yesterday. Diane Robinson lives out in the “boonies” on a lane that isn’t paved in a house that looks like it’s made of cinder blocks. We didn’t go in; she stood and talked to us at the gate. She works construction and isn’t home very often. We were blessed to catch her. Also we found Danielle Horton. She was cold when she first opened the door, but she warmed up to us after a bit. Her mum is active on the east coast and is coming to visit for 3 weeks. That should be a good influence.


  1. I didn't realize you were posting to this. It's good to know you are alive since email & FB have been slow from down under. This explains it.

    WJordan Mike

  2. What great and exciting experiences you are having. You'll be extra busy now working in the Branch. Great folks you are, doing wonderful things. Thanks for serving a mission.

  3. Glad you found it. We finally figured out how to do it. Hope to get some pictures on soon.
