Friday, June 4, 2010

FHE with Natasha

May 24, 2010 Monday

So sad. Tonight we went to Natasha’s to do FHE with her and her kids. She had them all showered and in their pj’s by 6:30 when we got there. Her son, Joshua, is 10 and had the door open looking for us when we drove up. Her daughter is Emily and is 8 years old. They also have a little brother, Oliver, who is 14 months. The kids were so cute and excited to have us there. Joshua and Emily played the piano for us. Their mom, Natasha, was on the phone when we got there, and she kept on talking for a while after we were there. We finally were able to start the FHE. Orson gave a prayer, and then we gave them each a pass-along card with the picture of Jesus by the tomb. They knew who he was and some of the good things he did. It sounded like they had learned it at school. They knew why we celebrate Christmas & Easter. Then we talked to them about Heavenly Father and gave them the words to” I Am a Child of God.” We taught it to them. Their mom just sat there the whole time smiling, but she wouldn’t even try to sing. We explained that Heavenly Father wants us be happy and cares about us. We explained prayer and asked them to pray before going to bed. Emily gave the closing prayer with me helping her. We had brought along some cookies (“biscuits” as they call them here), and the kids were happy about that. Orson asked Natasha if we could drop by again to talk with her. She turned us down. We felt so bad. We are going to give her a couple of weeks and then ask her if we can come back and do another Family Home Evening. She’s a single mom, and the kids are obviously from 2 different dads. She still uses her maiden name. She needs the Gospel so much is her life. She was baptized when she was about 12, but I doubt she knows much about the church.

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