Thursday, June 17, 2010

Big Dark Eyes

JUNE 12, 2010 Saturday

To the tune of “Popcorn Popping:” “I looked in the toilet and what did I see? Big dark eyes looking back at me.” Thank heavens the elders has warned us.
Today we drove back from Port Hedland. It was seven uneventful hours just like the trip down there had been. We listened to some General Conference CDs from 2001 that were in the bookcase here at the house. It was the conference right after September 11. It was interesting to hear references to what had happened and reflect back. It’s hard to believe it’s approaching 9 years already.
After we unloaded the car, we drove to the gas station to fill the tank. The church paid for our gas for the trip so we needed to get the tank filled again to know how much we spent on gas. Then we drove to Roebuck Estates to see if we could find a member there. Afterwards, the sun was just starting to set so we drove over to Cable Beach by the resort of the same name. All along the sidewalk above the cliffs down to the beach, people were lined up to watch the sunset. There were quite a few clouds that had barely started to light up when we got there. Sunset was incredible. We took a ton of pictures. A boat with three sails on it was out in the bay, and we got a picture of it in the line of reflection from the sun across the water. Up the beach a ways we could see people on their camels. It’s a tourist thing that people pay for to ride camels down the beach at sunset. It’s really quite picturesque in the photos we’ve seen.
We came home, and I went into the bathroom. I glanced in the toilet, and there was a green frog looking back at me. The elders had warned us about him only we thought he’d be just a little guy. Nope! His body was about the size of a small apple. We took his picture and then flushed. That was the end of that (until next time).


  1. I told the girls about this and they laughed so hard. Then I sang the Popcorn song w/your words and they just hopped out of here (no pun intended) singing your version of Popcorn popping! Sure people at church will be hearing about that one! :-) I'd rather a frog in my toilet than a big spider!

  2. I am with Becky. Rather the frog than the spider. It is still very strange to have a frog in there anyway. Do they come from the outside and hop into your toilet or do they come up the pipe?
