Tuesday, June 22, 2010


JUNE 20, 2010 Sunday


Today we spoke in Sacrament Meeting. I had prepared a talk about service, and Orson spoke about the scriptures and used Elder Christofferson’s April conference talk as the basis. It seemed very strange to be standing at a pulpit giving a talk to 11 people, 3 of who were young kids, 2 teenagers, 2 indigenous brethren, an elderly sister, and 3 “just regular” adults. It was a different feeling because you could see everyone’s individual reaction and wonder how they were receiving what you were saying. Another thing I’ve noticed about a small branch: just when you get the sacrament and begin to ponder its significance in your life during the past and coming weeks, it’s over. It doesn’t take long to pass to very few people. I need to concentrate more on pondering the sacrament before I get to church, not think I can do that during the sacrament service itself.
Today was “Ice Cream Sunday.” It’s a tradition that on the Sunday after Fast Sunday someone brings ice cream, cones, & cups so folks can enjoy a few minutes of socialization after church. It’s a great idea, especially when you are ready for lunch.
Julia Eastland came today for the first time. She’s a sister from Perth who came 8 months ago to help her daughter through some emotional problems and is still here. She’s probably in her mid 70’s and very sharp gospel-wise. When she was young, her dad was the oldest branch president in the church; he was in his 90’s. We were happy we had been able to contact her and give her directions to the church. Our sharp young man who contacted us yesterday didn’t come. Such are the disappointments of missionary work. This afternoon we took some invitations around to Family Home Evening that we are holding at our house tomorrow night.

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