Sunday, June 27, 2010


  1. Wow! I think they are all beautiful! Just found your blog. Can't wait to read what you guys are up to. Glad to read you are having the time of your lives! :)

  2. Hey, glad you found us. We are having a great time. Things are starting to open up a bit. We had a guy about 20 + come up in the mall and ask about what we were doing so we are obliging and teaching him. He is one of the few that thinks of things beyond this life. Also, he is a real scrriptorian and knew from his studies that God the Father, His Son and the Holy Ghost were seperte and distinctic. It is good to talk to peole like that. Hope you are enjoying the Young Women. Marilyn is also the Young women's president along wth the RS president. So she is a happy camper.

    Warm Regards.

    Elder Porter

  3. I like this pic the best of the three.
