Thursday, September 29, 2011


September 28, 2011 Wednesday

Yesterday we dropped in on Lillian Head, the 85-year old inactive sister we met a couple of months ago. She’s sharp as a tack. As we visited she had a question about the Sabbath Day being Saturday. (We figure she must have an Adventist friend. She commented that all of her friends but one now live in the local retirement housing.) So this morning we went back with some info on the Adventists and an article from an OLD Improvement Era about how the translation from Greek into English allowed for some of the “mix up” about that. Anyway, we finally found her out in the “back 40.” Her lot is about a half acre and there she was out pulling weeds at her age. We told her we’d try to get some help over there for her. There’s no way she can handle all that by herself. She’s fun to visit with and has a sweet dog, a kelpie, who brings you a ball so she can retrieve it.
This afternoon we drove to Katanning to visit Jim and Di Jardine. She’s the one whose family were members but her dad took all of them out of the church when she was 14. We asked her how they felt about her being baptized again. We’d mentioned it on the phone a couple of weeks ago. Jim explained that Di has an incredible fear of water due to almost drowning when she was little and also having to be “pushed under” twice when she was baptized as a kid. He then said they’d like to continue as they are or maybe be “associate members” and come to FHE’s and sort of continue as they have been. We spent quite a bit of time talking to them about the importance of doing God’s will and not our own. We also explained that only in the celestial kingdom would they continue to be husband and wife. They agreed to let us teach them (especially her) the lessons so she has a better understanding of why these things are important and then let her decide about baptism. They seemed quite relieved when we said we were not going to force anything and that moving ahead would be entirely up to her. There is such a good spirit when we visit them. We would love to see them become a “forever family.” They are awesome people.
Tonight we gave another lesson to Michael, Jeremy Priest’s brother. We went into a lot more detail about the Book of Mormon and he committed to read and pray about it. We challenged him to read through 1 Nephi 13 by the time we meet with him again on Monday. Jeremy offered to read with him. It’s so great to have a family member there helping out! We love it.


Weird plant. We've only seen two of these in the whole town.
September 26, 2011 Monday

Tonight we went over to the Priest’s house for dinner and another Family Home Evening. Jeremy’s brother, who attended the baptism yesterday, was there so we could teach him the first missionary discussion! Dinner was really good-Merja’d found a recipe on-line for a spicy ground beef mixture that you wrapped around skewers and then cooked under the broiler. The lesson with Michael went really well. When we were talking about how the Holy Ghost works through your heart and your mind, he commented he felt something “different” when Amy and Brett were baptized. We were able to identify it as the Holy Ghost already working with him to let him know that the church is true. It was great, too, because every so often Jeremy would jump in with some comment explaining about his conversion process or how he understood certain things. Michael said we can teach him again on Wednesday night. He’s 20 years old and is going through a diesel mechanics apprentice program here in Narrogin. He’s a nice, clean-cut kid who has been impressed with the difference in Jeremy since he joined the church. Their parents used to take them to the Baptist church when they were kids, but neither one of them remembers too much about that. (We think that’s a good thing.) What a blessing!


Marilyn, Amy, Brett, Keydan,Blake & Orson on the day they became Mormons!
Happiness is finding a golden family, teaching them the gospel and watching Orson baptize them today. It was just a perfect day! Amy and Brett showed up at church with no kids. That seemed odd, but they had decided that with the baptism it was going to be a very long day so they left the two boys with Brett’s mom until the baptism. I think they enjoyed being able to concentrate on what was going on. Orson taught a lesson on faith in the Gospel Essentials. During the lesson, Amy piped up with the comment, “That’s just like with the tree of life and the iron rod and how people who don’t hang on get lost in the mists.” Can you tell she’s been studying the Book of Mormon? She’s reading 2 Nephi now.
The baptism was scheduled for 12:15 (to get everyone there by 12:30). When we came out of Relief Society, Jeremy Priest’s brother and sister were there. He’s been promising to set us up with them ever since we arrived here, so we were super happy to see them. Brett’s mom, Carrie Rowe, was there with the two boys. And then three of Amy’s girl friends came. Almost all the branch stayed for the baptism and had brought finger food for afterwards.
Merja Priest played and sang, “I am a Child of God” with about 8 Primary kids helping her on part of it for the opening song. Michelle Olde gave the talk about baptism. She has a super way of expressing herself very simply about things. Then Jeremy Priest talked about the Holy Ghost and mentioned he’d only been a member a short time and how it had helped him grow.
Little Deycan, 2 years old, got restless and started heading onto the stand. Brett grabbed him and he started fussing. I was sitting right behind them and dangled a baggie with M&Ms so he could see it. He got down from his dad’s lap and came back to me. I made him climb up on the chair next to me and handed him 2 M&Ms. He immediately got down and handed one to his brother, Blake, who was sitting on the row in front of us. Then Deycan was back trying to get into the bag. I pointed to the chair beside me and he climbed up. We repeated that a few times, and then he became aware of 1-year old Emma Priest sitting on her Daddy’s lap behind him. So then he was trying to get her to take an M&M too. She didn’t understand what to do with them and dropped them on the floor. Finally he realized that Blake was the better one to share with. I was so impressed—not once did he eat both pieces of candy I gave him. He’s a sweet little guy when he wants to be.
We all went into the room with the font. Kids were kneeling in front, as usual, but as soon as Orson and Amy got into the water, a couple of them started asking loudly, “Is it cold?” (Never heard that one before.) Deycan was sitting on his grandma’s lap on the front row. As soon as he saw his mommy, he started crying and struggling to get away from Grandma. Finally, he quieted down and Orson baptized Amy. She left and Brett came into the water. Deycan started crying for him then quieted down quickly.
We went back to the chapel and watched a couple of DVD clips about how we gain and/or lose light and truth from the Doctrine and Covenants DVD set my sister sent us at Christmas. As soon as Deycan saw his mom come back in, he shouted, “Mom, bath! Mom, bath!” It was so cute. Most of us laughed. After the DVD clips, Orson still hadn’t returned so I shared a few thoughts about the process of watching Brett and Amy grow in light and truth. Hopefully that helped the non-members understand the conversion process a little better.
Because Brett will be working the next two Sundays, they were also confirmed today by Orson. After the closing song and prayer, we did the usual “convert the chapel into the cultural hall so we can eat” routine. Bless all the sisters’ hearts, they’d brought a lot of finger food and everyone enjoyed eating and visiting for almost another hour.
After it was all cleaned up, President Moulds invited us into his office to finish up filling out the baptismal forms. He commented that Brett and Amy are the most prepared couple he’s had the privilege of watching come into the church. What’s wonderful is that it was so definitely the spirit that prepared and worked with them. We could see and hear it each time we taught and talked with them. What a blessing we’ve been given to be part of their coming to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today D&C 18:15-16 has extra special meaning for us.


September 23, 2011 Friday

…just like Brett and Amy. We finished up Brett’s lessons today. We had an appointment for noon with him. He wasn’t there when we arrived so Amy called him. He said he’d be just 10 minutes. He finally showed up at 1 pm, but it was okay because we just sat there and enjoyed a great visit with Amy. What a delight she is! So we gave him the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson and he accepted everything so well. He said a beautiful closing prayer full of gratitude for the things they are learning and for his family. We left just floating on “Cloud Nine.”
Later this afternoon we stopped by Madelen and Dieterik’s. They were both home. She said she’d been doing just a little reading in the Book of Mormon. She did admit that we have answered many of the questions she had when we first met them. We invited them to the baptism on Sunday and she almost froze up. For some reason, she is scared to even walk in the door of another church. We had a good visit with them and talked and laughed about a variety of things. Somehow, we’ve got to get them out to church.
Then we went to see Bob Lane. Seems like he’s been avoiding us lately. He came out and we talked on the porch for an hour. We really challenged him to quit “mulling things over” and put his faith in God instead of in his own cognitive power. We let him know that it’s all up to him: he can continue like he is or he can trust in God to answer his prayers about the Book of Mormon. We think he realizes the big changes it would take for him to become a Mormon and is scared of making that kind of commitment. He’s such a good guy. He needs to be in the church.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


An old pioneer in Armadale's Pionee Village.
Beautiful yard we found in Narrogin.

Sorry, no time for more photos today.


September 22, 2011 Thursday

You never know about couples over here—are they married? We knew that Brett and Amy were married; it’s come up in conversation several times. They have Deycan who is 2 years old so we assumed they’d been married a couple or 3 years. Tonight we went over to give Brett the rest of the lesson about commandments and to fill out the baptismal forms. When we got to the part about their marriage, Amy quickly found their marriage certificate and there it was—they had just gotten married in April of this year. We were blown away but managed to cover it well enough. We are just so grateful that they are married (and so are they). They were engaged for 3 years. The whole lackadaisical attitude toward marriage over here just blows us away. I guess it’s the same in the states; but because of the circle of folks that we hang out with, we just haven’t had it “in our face” as much as we have had over here. Brett asked Orson to baptize and confirm him as well as Amy. We are so excited!


September 21, 2011 Wednesday

We drove to Armadale, the southwestern-most suburb of Perth, to get some baptismal clothing for Amy and Brett. Evidently the branch doesn’t have anything worth using. We keep wondering why they don’t buy jumpsuits similar to what is used in the temples. It would certainly simplify keeping the women modest! It was raining when we got up and continued until 2 in the afternoon. We were grateful that most of our time was spent in the car. We saw the same number of road-killed kangaroos as we saw live ones the other night.
We’d been given the name of Olga to contact in the Armadale Ward for baptismal clothing. She turned out to be 80 years old, a widow from South Africa. People who leave South Africa always bring some of it with them. She had paintings of jaguars and elephants and carvings of several African animals. There was also a beautiful copper clock in the shape of Africa with a couple of animals on it. She’s the music director for Relief Society and had some hymns playing when we arrived. She joined the church 18 years ago after she moved over here. Her daughter and son-in-law had joined 30 years ago before they came over here. She always promised them she would join once she came here and she did just 3 months after she arrived. She was sweet to visit with. She’s on chemo-therapy tablets for breast cancer and just as accepting of her trials as she can be. What a sweetheart.