Thursday, January 20, 2011


January 10, 2011 Monday

After a very long day cleaning, we packed it all in and went to Family Home Evening with the 6 other senior missionaries here in town. It was so good to be with them. We met at Crawford’s flat. Sister Kruger had asked Orson to present something. So we showed the DVD, “Only a Stonecutter,” which is in the D&C set of DVD’s that Nancy had sent us. Then we just talked and shared stories of our pioneer heritages. We played a game similar to “Fictionary” but is played with words from the Bible Dictionary. After that we had ice cream. What a good time!
We are both really tired. We cleaned all day except for an hour I went to the library to communicate with the family. I feel really bad that we weren’t able to talk to Erin, Leon, or Mike on their birthdays. It will be good to get a land line some time in the future!

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