Thursday, January 20, 2011


January 2, 2011

We may be small, but we are might in spirit. Today we only had 5 at church: us, the Richmonds, and Simon. Of course it was testimony meeting, but Orson had asked the Richmond to share a few thoughts with us along with their testimonies. They brought the most beautiful spirit there. Kim, who looks so much like Betty Young it’s amazing, spoke about faith and how it had carried her through the tough times after her divorce. Max spoke about prayer and the comfort it had given him to know he can “access” God whenever he wants. He works for an “MP” which is like a senator in the states. His job is to answer some of the many requests that come to the office. He spoke about form letters and how nice it was to know that Heavenly Father doesn’t just send out form letters in answer to our prayers.
After the meeting, we were talking and Simon mentioned that he and his band had played a 3 hour concert at the prison here in town. He said one fellow asked if they could play “How Great Thou Art.” Simon knew it and played and sang it for the group. He then asked if they would allow him to play a couple of songs from his church. He sang, “I am a Child of God” and “Teach Me to Walk in the Light.” What a great thing for him to share with the fellows there!

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